If you’ve previously scheduled your Fulcra account for deletion but have since changed your mind or did not intend to do it at all, we’re here to help you reverse that decision.
You have up to 48 hours from the deletion request to retract it. Here's how to do it:
On Desktop
On Desktop
In Settings, click on "Cancel Deletion"
On the confirmation pop-up, click on "Cancel Account Deletion"
You will then receive a confirmation and be redirected back to the Settings page.
On the Context app/Mobile
On the Context app/Mobile
In Context's Settings page, tap on "Cancel Account Deletion" to be redirected to Context Web in your mobile browser. (You can also go to this link directly.)
You may be asked to re-authenticate before proceeding.
Tap on "Cancel Deletion"
On the confirmation pop-up, tap on "Cancel Account Deletion"
You will then receive a confirmation and be redirected back to the Settings page.