Last Updated: February 17, 2025
In addition to calendar, location, custom event, and other data, the following is a list of metrics that are available via the Fulcra Life API. As we are frequently adding metrics, this list may not be up to date.
Name | Description | Unit | Type | Column Name |
AFibBurden | A discrete measure of the percentage of time that the user's heart shows signs of atrial fibrillation (AFib) during a given monitoring period. | percent | discrete | afib_burden |
ActiveCaloriesBurned | A cumulative measure of the amount of active energy the user has burned. | cal | cumulative | active_calories_burned |
AlcoholicDrinksConsumed | A cumulative measure of the amount of alcoholic beverages the user has consumed. | drinks | cumulative | alcoholic_drinks_consumed |
AppetiteChange | A discrete measure that represents a change in the user's appetite. The meanings of the values are: 0: An unspecified change in appetite. 1: No change in the user’s appetite. 2: The user’s appetite decreased. 3: The user’s appetite increased. | change | discrete | appetite_change |
AppleWatchExerciseTime | A cumulative measure of the amount of time the user has spent exercising, as classified by an Apple Watch. This includes, but is not limited to, time spent in user-defined workout sessions. | min | cumulative | apple_watch_exercise_time |
AppleWatchMoveTime | A cumulative measure of the number of full minutes the user has spent actively moving, as classified by an Apple Watch. | min | cumulative | apple_watch_move_time |
AppleWatchStandTime | A cumulative measure of the amount of time the user has spent standing, as classified by an Apple Watch. | min | cumulative | apple_watch_stand_time |
BasalBodyTemperature | A discrete measure of the user's basal body temperature. | degF | discrete | basal_body_temperature |
BasalCaloriesBurned | A cumulative measure of the amount of basal energy (i.e. resting energy) the user has burned. | cal | cumulative | basal_calories_burned |
BloodAlcoholContent | A discrete measure of the user's blood alcohol content. | percent | discrete | blood_alcohol_content |
BloodGlucose | A discrete measure of the user's blood glucose level. | mg/dL | discrete | blood_glucose |
BloodOxygenSaturation | A discrete measure of the user's blood oxygen saturation. | percent | discrete | blood_oxygen_saturation |
BloodPressureDiastolic | A discrete measure of the user's diastolic blood pressure. | mmHg | discrete | blood_pressure_diastolic |
BloodPressureSystolic | A discrete measure of the user's systolic blood pressure. | mmHg | discrete | blood_pressure_systolic |
BodyFatPercentage | A discrete measure of the user's body fat percentage. | percent | discrete | body_fat_percentage |
BodyMassIndex | A discrete measure of the user's body mass index. | BMI | discrete | body_mass_index |
BodyTemperature | A discrete measure of the user's body temperature. | degF | discrete | body_temperature |
CaloriesConsumed | A cumulative measure of the amount of dietary energy (in calories) the user has consumed. | cal | cumulative | calories_consumed |
CervicalMucusQuality | A discrete measure that represents the user's cervical mucus quality. The meanings of the values are: 1: Little or no mucus. 2: Sticky mucus. 3: Creamy mucus. 4: Watery mucus. 5: Mucus the color and consistency of egg whites. | quality | discrete | cervical_mucus_quality |
ContraceptiveUse | A discrete measure that captures the use of a contraceptive by the user, with an optional type value. The meanings of the values are: 1: An unspecified type of contraceptive. 2: A contraceptive implant. 3: An injectable contraceptive. 4: An intrauterine device (IUD). 5: A contraceptive intravaginal ring. 6: An oral contraceptive. | type | discrete | contraceptive_use |
CyclingCadence | A discrete measure of the cadence of a user while cycling. | rpm | discrete | cycling_cadence |
CyclingFunctionalThresholdPower | A discrete measure of the functional threshold power of a user while cycling. | W | discrete | cycling_functional_threshold_power |
CyclingPower | A discrete measure of the power generated by a user while cycling. | W | discrete | cycling_power |
CyclingSpeed | A discrete measure of the speed of a user while cycling. | m/s | discrete | cycling_speed |
DietaryBiotinConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary biotin consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_biotin_consumed |
DietaryCaffeineConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary caffeine consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_caffeine_consumed |
DietaryCalciumConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary calcium consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_calcium_consumed |
DietaryCarbohydratesConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary carbohydrates consumed by the user. | g | cumulative | dietary_carbohydrates_consumed |
DietaryChlorideConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary chloride consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_chloride_consumed |
DietaryCholesterolConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary cholesterol consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_cholesterol_consumed |
DietaryChromiumConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary chromium consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_chromium_consumed |
DietaryCopperConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary copper consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_copper_consumed |
DietaryFiberConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary fiber consumed by the user. | g | cumulative | dietary_fiber_consumed |
DietaryFolateConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary folate consumed by the user. | mcg | cumulative | dietary_folate_consumed |
DietaryIodineConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary iodine consumed by the user. | mcg | cumulative | dietary_iodine_consumed |
DietaryIronConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary iron consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_iron_consumed |
DietaryMagnesiumConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary magnesium consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_magnesium_consumed |
DietaryManganeseConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary manganese consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_manganese_consumed |
DietaryMolybdenumConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary molybdenum consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_molybdenum_consumed |
DietaryNiacinConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary niacin consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_niacin_consumed |
DietaryPantothenicAcidConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary pantothenic Acid consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_pantothenic_acid_consumed |
DietaryPhosphorusConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary phosphorus consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_phosphorus_consumed |
DietaryPotassiumConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary potassium consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_potassium_consumed |
DietaryProteinConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary protein consumed by the user. | g | cumulative | dietary_protein_consumed |
DietaryRiboflavinConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary riboflavin consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_riboflavin_consumed |
DietarySeleniumConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary selenium consumed by the user. | mcg | cumulative | dietary_selenium_consumed |
DietarySodiumConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary sodium consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_sodium_consumed |
DietarySugarConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary sugar consumed by the user. | g | cumulative | dietary_sugar_consumed |
DietaryThiaminConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary thiamin consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_thiamin_consumed |
DietaryVitaminAConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary vitamin A consumed by the user. | mcg | cumulative | dietary_vitamin_a_consumed |
DietaryVitaminB12Consumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary vitamin B12 consumed by the user. | mcg | cumulative | dietary_vitamin_b12_consumed |
DietaryVitaminB6Consumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary vitamin B6 consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_vitamin_b6_consumed |
DietaryVitaminCConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary vitamin C consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_vitamin_c_consumed |
DietaryVitaminDConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary vitamin D consumed by the user. | mcg | cumulative | dietary_vitamin_d_consumed |
DietaryVitaminEConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary vitamin E consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_vitamin_e_consumed |
DietaryVitaminKConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary vitamin K consumed by the user. | mcg | cumulative | dietary_vitamin_k_consumed |
DietaryWaterConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary water consumed by the user. | fl_oz_us | cumulative | dietary_water_consumed |
DietaryZincConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary zinc consumed by the user. | mg | cumulative | dietary_zinc_consumed |
DistanceTraveledCycling | A cumulative measure of the distance the user has moved by cycling. | mi | cumulative | distance_cycled |
DistanceTraveledDownhillSnowSports | A cumulative measure of the distance the user has moved while skiing or snowboarding. | ft | cumulative | distance_downhill_snow_sports |
DistanceTraveledOnFoot | A cumulative measure of the distance the user has moved by walking or running. | mi | cumulative | distance_on_foot |
DistanceTraveledSwimming | A cumulative measure of the distance the user has moved by swimming. | m | cumulative | distance_swam |
DistanceTraveledWithWheelchair | A cumulative measure of the distance the user has moved while using a wheelchair. | ft | cumulative | wheelchair_distance |
ElectrodermalActivity | A discrete measure of the user's electrodermal activity (skin conductance). | S | discrete | electrodermal_activity |
EnvironmentalAudioLevel | A metric that measures the user's exposure to sounds in the environment. | dBASPL | discrete | environmental_audio_level |
EnvironmentalAudioLevelIncraeseEvent | This metric records an event where the user was exposed to potentially damaging sounds from the environment. | presence | discrete | environmental_audio_level_increase |
EnvironmentalSoundReduction | A metric that measures environmental sound reduction around the user. | dBASPL | discrete | environmental_sound_reduction |
FallCount | A cumulative measure of the number of times the user fell. | falls | cumulative | fall_count |
ForcedExpiratoryVolumeOneSecond | A discrete measure of the amount of air that the user can forcibly exhale from the lungs during the first second of a forced exhalation. | L | discrete | forced_expiratory_volume_one_second |
ForcedVitalCapacity | A discrete measure of the amount of air that the user can forcibly exhale from the lungs using the deepest breath possible. | L | discrete | forced_vital_capacity |
HandwashingEvent | This metric records an event when the user washed their hands. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | handwashing |
HeadphonesAudioLevel | A metric that measures the user's exposure to sounds while wearing headphones. | dBASPL | discrete | headphones_audio_level |
HeadphonesAudioLevelIncraeseEvent | This metric records an event where the user was exposed to potentially damaging sounds while wearing headphones. | presence | discrete | headphones_audio_level_increase |
HeartRate | A discrete measure of the user's heart rate. | bpm | discrete | heart_rate |
HeartRateRecoveryOneMinute | A discrete measure of the reduction in heart rate from the peak rate during a user's exercise session to the rate one minute after the session ended. | bpm | discrete | heart_rate_recovery_one_minute |
HeartRateVariabilitySDNN | A discrete measure of the user's heart rate variability; the value is the the standard deviation between NN heartbeat intervals. | ms | discrete | heart_rate_variability_sdnn |
Height | A discrete measure of the user's height. | ft | discrete | height |
HighHeartRateEvent | This metric records an event where the user experienced a high heart rate. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | high_heart_rate |
InfrequentMenstrualCycles | This metric contains information about when the user recorded an infrequent menstrual cycle. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | infrequent_menstrual_cycle |
InhalerUse | A cumulative measure of the amount of puffs the user has taken from an inhaler. | puffs | cumulative | inhaler_use |
InsulinUnitsDelivered | A cumulative measure of the number of IU insulin units that has been delivered to the user. | IU | cumulative | insulin_units_delivered |
IrregularHeartRhythmEvent | This metric records an event when an irregular heart beat was detected from the user. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | irregular_heart_rhythm |
IrregularMenstrualCycles | This metric contains information about when the user recorded an irregular menstrual cycle. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | irregular_menstrual_cycle |
Lactation | This metric contains information about when the user recorded lactation. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | lactation |
LeanBodyMass | A discrete measure of the user's lean body mass. | lb | discrete | lean_body_mass |
LowCardioFitnessEvent | This metric records an event where the user's VO2 max values consistently fall below a particular aerobic fitness threshold. The value is always 0 during the event. | occurrence | discrete | low_cardio_fitness |
LowHeartRateEvent | This metric records an event where the user experienced a low heart rate. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | low_heart_rate |
MenstrualFlow | A discrete measure that represents the user's menstrual flow. The meanings of the values are: 1: An unspecified amount of menstrual flow. 2: Light menstrual flow. 3: Medium menstrual flow. 4: Heavy menstrual flow. 5: No menstrual flow. | amount | discrete | menstrual_flow |
MindfulSession | This metric records an event when the user recorded a mindful session. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | mindful_session |
MonounsaturatedFatConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary monounsaturated fat consumed by the user. | g | cumulative | monounsaturated_fat |
MoodChanges | Entries in this metric record the presence or absence of mood changes in the user. The meanings of the values are: 0: present 1: not present | presence | discrete | mood_changes |
NikeFuelPoints | A cumulative measure of the number of Nike Fuel points the user has earned. | points | cumulative | nike_fuel_points |
OvulationTestResult | A discrete measure that represents the result of a user's home ovulation test. The meanings of the values are: 1: The ovulation test is negative. 2: The ovulation test detected a surge in the luteinizing hormone 3: The ovulation test is inconclusive. 4: The ovulation test detected a surge in estrogen. | result | discrete | ovulation_test_result |
PeakExpiratoryFlowRate | A discrete measure of the user's maximum flow rate during a forceful exhalation. | L/min | discrete | peak_expiratory_flow_rate |
PeripheralPerfusionIndex | A discrete measure of the user's peripheral perfusion index. | percent | discrete | peripheral_perfusion_index |
PersistentMenstrualBleeding | This metric contains information about when the user recorded persistent menstrual bleeding. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | persistent_menstrual_bleeding |
PhysicalEffort | A discrete measure of the energy expended by a user at a given time, in kcal/(kg*hr). | cal | discrete | physical_effort |
PolyunsaturatedFatConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary polyunsaturated fat consumed by the user. | g | cumulative | polyunsaturated_fat |
Pregnancy | This metric contains information about when the user recorded a pregnancy. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | pregnancy |
PregnancyTestResult | A discrete measure that represents the result of a user's pregnancy test. The meanings of the values are: 1: Negative 2: Positive 3: Inconclusive | result | discrete | pregnancy_test_result |
ProgesteroneTestResult | A discrete measure that represents the result of a user's home progesterone test. The meanings of the values are: 1: Negative 2: Positive 3: Indeterminate | result | discrete | progesterone_test_result |
ProlongedMenstrualPeriods | This metric contains information about when the user recorded a prolonged menstrual cycle. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | prolonged_menstrual_periods |
ReportedMood | A one-dimensional value of mood, as calculated through self-reported values. | moodscore |
| reported_mood |
RespiratoryRate | A discrete measure of the user's respiratory rate (breaths per minute). | breaths/min | discrete | respiratory_rate |
RestingHeartRate | A discrete measure of the user's resting heart rate. | bpm | discrete | resting_heart_rate |
RunningGroundContactTime | A discrete measure of the amount of time the user's foot is in contact with the ground while running. | ms | discrete | running_ground_contact_time |
RunningPower | A discrete measure of the work done by the user while running, in watts. | W | discrete | running_power |
RunningSpeed | A discrete measure of the speed of a user while running. | mi/hr | discrete | running_speed |
RunningStrideLength | A discrete measure of the length of a user's stride (in other words, the distance covered by a step) while running. | m | discrete | running_stride_length |
RunningVerticalOscillation | A discrete measure of the vertical range of motion during a user's stride while running. | cm | discrete | running_vertical_oscillation |
SaturatedFatConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary saturated fat consumed by the user. | g | cumulative | saturated_fat |
SexualActivity | This metric records an occurrence of sexual activity. The value is always 0 during the event. | occurrence | discrete | sexual_activity |
SixMinuteWalkDistance | A cumulative measure of the distance the user can walk during a six-minute test. | m | cumulative | six_minute_walk_distance |
SleepChanges | Entries in this metric record the presence or absence of sleep changes in the user. The meanings of the values are: 0: present 1: not present | presence | discrete | sleep_changes |
SleepStage | A discrete measure of the stage of a user's sleep. The meanings of the values are: 0: The user is in bed. 1: The user is asleep, but the specific stage isn’t known. 2: The user is awake. 3: The user is in light or intermediate sleep. 4: The user is in deep sleep. 5: The user is in REM sleep. | stage | discrete | sleep_stage |
SleepingWristTemperature | A discrete measure of the temperature of the user's wrist during sleep. | degF | discrete | sleeping_wrist_temperature |
StairAscentSpeed | A discrete measure of the speed of a user while climbing a 10-foot flight of stairs. | m/s | discrete | stair_ascent_speed |
StairDescentSpeed | A discrete measure of the speed of a user while descending a 10-foot flight of stairs. | m/s | discrete | stair_descent_speed |
StairFlightsClimbed | A cumulative measure of the number of flights of stairs the user has climbed. | flights | cumulative | stair_flights_climbed |
StandHour | A discrete measure of whether or not a user stood up and moved around for at least one minute during the hour. The meanings of the values are: 0: The user stood and moved for at least one minute. 1: The user did not stand up and move for at least one minute. | stood | discrete | stand_hour |
StepCount | A cumulative measure of the number of steps the user has taken. This is retrieved from HealthKit sample queries. | steps | cumulative | step_count |
SwimmingStrokeCount | A cumulative measure of the amount of strokes the user has performed while swimming. | strokes | cumulative | swimming_stroke_count |
SymptomAbdominalCramps | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of abdominal cramps in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | abdominal_cramps_occurred |
SymptomAcne | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of acne in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | acne_occurred |
SymptomBladderIncontinence | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of bladder incontinence in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | bladder_incontinence_occurred |
SymptomBloating | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of bloating in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | bloating_occurred |
SymptomBreastPain | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of breast pain in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | breast_pain_occurred |
SymptomChestTightnessOrPain | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of chest tightness or pain in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | chest_tightness_or_pain_occurred |
SymptomChills | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of chills in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | chills_occurred |
SymptomConstipation | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of constipation in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | constipation_occurred |
SymptomCoughing | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of coughing in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | coughing_occurred |
SymptomDiarrhea | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of diarrhea in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | diarrhea_occurred |
SymptomDizziness | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of dizziness in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | dizziness_occurred |
SymptomDrySkin | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of dry skin in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | dry_skin_occurred |
SymptomFainting | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of fainting in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | fainting_occurred |
SymptomFatigue | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of fatigue in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | fatigue_occurred |
SymptomFever | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of fever in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | fever_occurred |
SymptomGeneralizedBodyAche | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of generalized body ache in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | generalized_body_ache_occurred |
SymptomHairLoss | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of hair loss in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | hair_loss_occurred |
SymptomHeadache | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of headache in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | headache_occurred |
SymptomHeartburn | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of heartburn in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | heartburn_occurred |
SymptomHotFlashes | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of hot flashes in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | hot_flashes_occurred |
SymptomLossOfSmell | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of loss of smell in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | loss_of_smell_occurred |
SymptomLossOfTaste | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of loss of taste in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | loss_of_taste_occurred |
SymptomLowerBackPain | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of lower back pain in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | lower_back_pain_occurred |
SymptomMemoryLapse | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of memory lapse in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | memory_lapse_occurred |
SymptomNausea | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of nausea in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | nausea_occurred |
SymptomNightSweats | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of night sweats in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | night_sweats_occurred |
SymptomPelvicPain | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of pelvic pain in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | pelvic_pain_occurred |
SymptomRapidPoundingOrFlutteringHeartbeat | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of rapid pounding or fluttering heartbeat in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | rapid_pounding_or_fluttering_heartbeat_occurred |
SymptomRunnyNose | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of runny nose in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | runny_nose_occurred |
SymptomShortnessOfBreath | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of shortness of breath in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | shortness_of_breath_occurred |
SymptomSinusCongestion | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of sinus congestion in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | sinus_congestion_occurred |
SymptomSkippedHeartbeat | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of skipped heartbeat in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | skipped_heartbeat_occurred |
SymptomSoreThroat | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of sore throat in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | sore_throat_occurred |
SymptomVaginalDryness | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of vaginal dryness in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | vaginal_dryness_occurred |
SymptomVomiting | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of vomiting in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | vomiting_occurred |
SymptomWheezing | Entries in this metric indicate a discrete occurrence of wheezing in the user as well as an optional measurement of its severity. The meanings of the values are: 0: unspecified severity 1: mild 2: moderate 3: severe | severity | discrete | wheezing_occurred |
TimeInDaylight | A cumulative measure of the amount of time the user has spent in daylight. | min | cumulative | time_in_daylight |
ToothbrushingEvent | This metric records an event when the user brushed their teeth. The value is always 0 during the event. | presence | discrete | toothbrushing |
TotalFatConsumed | A cumulative measure of the total amount of dietary fat consumed by the user. | g | cumulative | total_fat |
UVExposure | A discrete measure of the user's time exposed to UV light. | count | discrete | uv_exposure |
UnderwaterDepth | A discrete measure of the depth a user is at while underwater. | m | discrete | underwater_depth |
VO2Max | A discrete measure of the user's maximum oxygen consumption during exercise. | mL/min·kg | discrete | vo2_max |
WaistCircumference | A discrete measure of the user's waist circumference. | in | discrete | waist_circumference |
WalkingAsymmetry | A discrete measure of the percentage of steps in which one foot moves at a different speed than the other when the user is walking on flat ground. | percent | discrete | walking_asymmetry |
WalkingDoubleSupport | A discrete measure of the percentage of time when both of the user's feet are touching the ground while the user is walking steadily on flat ground. | percent | discrete | walking_double_support |
WalkingHeartRate | A discrete measure of the user's average heart rate while walking. | bpm | discrete | walking_heart_rate_average |
WalkingSpeed | A discrete measure of the speed of a user while walking. | mi/hr | discrete | walking_speed |
WalkingSteadiness | A discrete measure of the steadiness of the user's gait. This measurement is expressed as a value between 0 and 1. | percent | discrete | walking_steadiness |
WalkingSteadinessDecreaseEvent | This metric records an event where the user's walking steadiness score decreased. The meanings of the values are: 1: The user received a below-normal steadiness score for their gait while walking. 2: The user received a steadiness score for their gait while walking that was considerably below normal. 3: The user’s below-normal score persists over a significant period of time. 4: The user’s considerably below-normal score persists over a significant period of time. | magnitude | discrete | walking_steadiness_decrease |
WalkingStrideLength | A discrete measure of the length of a user's stride (in other words, the distance covered by a step) while walking. | m | discrete | walking_stride_length |
WaterTemperature | A discrete measure of the temperature of the water a user is in. | degF | discrete | water_temperature |
Weight | A discrete measure of the user's weight. | lb | discrete | weight |
WheelchairPushes | A cumulative measure of the number of wheelchair pushes the user has performed. | pushes | cumulative | wheelchair_pushes |